Non-Executive Recruitment

Non-Executive Director (Health Inequalities & Communities)

Non-Executive Director (Transformation, Innovation & Strategy)


Welcome to Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and thank you for your interest in these vitally important roles.

As an anchor institution for children and young people’s healthcare in the North West, we are a top performing Trust with a CQC ‘Outstanding’ for Care and ‘Good’ overall, and a leading innovator with a commitment to game changing research and innovation rooted in outstanding clinical services. Throughout the last year, we have been working on our new Strategy 2030 and vision for ‘a healthier, happier and fairer future where every child and young person achieves their potential’, and we are well positioned to continue to lead a successful Trust.

We are now seeking to appoint two values-driven and inspiring Non-Executive Directors to join our engaged, dynamic, and established Board, focused on putting patients, their families, and our people at the heart of all our strategic decisions. As a Non-Executive Director, you will demonstrate compassion for our staff and those we serve, promote the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance, and offer independent challenge and support.

We have included a video to this page which I hope provides some useful background to the role and some insight into our values. If these roles do interest you, I would urge you to take a look at the information within this website, and then contact Robin Staveley and Mohamed Ebrahim of GatenbySanderson for an initial conversation, via

I also look forward to meeting you during the recruitment process.

Best wishes

Dame Jo Williams
Chair, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust


“What makes Alder Hey such a special place” –  our Youth Forum speak to the Chair, Dame Jo Williams and CEO, John Grinnell.